Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Horrifically Dated Movie Review #1: Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace

I know it may seem like I'm really late in coming forward this, but it's still pissing me off. Jesus, did that movie suck. I mean, Jar-Jar Binks? I hated this movie so much the first time I saw it I thought I had done something wrong. Maybe I was in a bad mood or something. So I saw it a second time. STILL SUCKED.
Come on! The only way you're getting me to see Episode 2 is if I can be promised in no uncertain terms that Jar Jar will be pelted in the head with blaster fire until nothing remains but a smoking neck stump.

Darth Maul was beyond disappointing. Here's this super tough evil guy who gets beat with the Force equivalent of "Hey, your shoe's untied!" AAARGH!!!
How many ways could Lucas ruin Star Wars for me? Let's see. The Force? Aliens in your blood. Wait, what? The Force was a mysterious power because IT WAS A FUCKING MYSTERY. I'm to believe that little organisms live in a Jedi's blood stream and have absolutely nothing better to do than help people lift X-Wings and choke the shit out of each other?
And hey, if you can speak telepathically with the force, then why the hell did they have to use walkie-talkies? I mean, come on, Luke can scream across half a galaxy and get Leia's attention but Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon need to break out their radios to talk 30 yards.
And for the record: It's really hard to imagine someone who says "yippee" as Darth Vader. Wow, that movie just blew.
Don't even get me started on the crap acting. The actors in this movie were like going to school at Julliard: no chemistry. They could have replaced Natalie Portman with a cardboard box labelled "plot device" and just dragged it from scene to scene and gotten the same results.
Lucas should just be ashamed of himself.

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